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Natural Capital

What are important case studies for the financial sector?

A wide range of case studies serves as starting points for financial institutions that wish to integrate natural capital in their decision-making.

Case studies

ASN Bank developed with Ecofys an open source method to include carbon footprint in its decision-making. The bank has stopped investing in fossil fuels completely and has set the goal for 2030 to be completely climate neutral in its investments. Health insurance company De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar is considering investing in nature since a study showed that being in nature diminishes health problems. Achmea, is looking into financing green rooftops. These rooftops can regulate water drainage during excessive rains that can cause flooding for which insurance company Achmea would have to pay.

NewForesight & RVO (2015), p. 7-8.

More case studies, also international, can be found on the websites of PRI and GIIN.

Aqueduct (Bloomberg and WRI)

Bloomberg has integrated the World Resource Institute’s Aqueduct water risk mapping tool in its services, to provide decision makers in the financial sector with global water-risk information.

More information on the website of the WRI.